My students:

  1. Mohamed Allali, graduated in summer 2000 with an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering.
  2. Totrakool Khongsap and Ewa Matusiak - completed their Interdisciplinary Masters' degrees in 2003, under the supervision of Victor DeBrunner, Joe Havlicek, (School of Computer Engineering), Murad Ozaydin and myself, (Department of Mathematics).
  3. Pedro Olaya, graduated in Summer 2007.
  4. Emily Scheele, a math major and premed student I worked with on an NSA supported project. Graduated in May 2015. She was admitted to the UCLA medical school in 2017. Here is a linkt to her TED talk and to her article An Introduction to Genetics for Mathematicians.
  5. Allan Merino, a doctoral student at the university of Lorraine, France, advised by Angela Pasquale and me, graduated on December 8, 2017. Allan will spend a few years at the National University of Singapore, as a postdoc, beginning April, 2018. The Department of Mathematics of the National University of Singapore was ranked #11 in the world by ``QS top universities" . Four of its faculty members have been invited to give a 45-minute address at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2014 in Seoul, South Korea. After NUS Allan moved for a two year postdoc position to Ottawa, Canada. Currently he is a faculty at Simons University in Boston, MA.
  6. Simon Roby, coadvised jointly with Angela Pasquale, defended his thesis on June 29, 2021. Previously he was ranked $\# 1$ for a PhD grant in Mathematics at the Universit\a'e de Lorraine in 2017. His thesis concerns resonances of the Laplace operator acting on vector bundles on rank one symmetric spaces. Simon was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to come to the University of Oklahoma to work with me for eight months beginning January first, 2020, which he did. He accepted a two year postdoc position at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
  7. Aur\'ellie Paull, This is a top PhD student in Metz, I'm coadvising jointly with Angela Pasquale since summer 2021. She is working on Weil Representation and Howe's Correspondence over finite fields of characteristic two, with possible applications to the theory of Quantum Error Correcting Codes.